• Address

    123 Website Drive,
    San Diego, CA 92121


  • Improve Your Golf Game & Save Your Back

    Many avid golfers contort their bodies into oddly twisted postures, generating a great deal of torque. Couple this motion with a bent-over stance, repeat 120 times over three or four hours, add the fatigue that comes with several miles of walking, and you've got a good workout-and a recipe for potential

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  • Effectiveness & Popularity of Chiropractic Care

    A critical mass of recent surveys and studies document the fact that the public, and conventional health care providers and payers, have come to recognize that traditional medicine can't answer all of consumers' health care needs. In particular, more people are turning to chiropractic services. A

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  • The Mysteries of Injuries

    A person with an exercise- or sports-related injury has many questions: When can I start exercising? When can I get back to my sport? What can I do to prevent this from happening again? The answers to these questions are relatively straightforward. But for some, injuries continue to happen. Which leads

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  • Four Resolutions for a Healthier Back

    Eat more vegetables. Stress less. Take the kids out to the park more often. You may already have a long list of resolutions for the new year. This year, honor your spine, too. With the help of your doctor of chiropractic, these simple steps can promote a healthier back for the new year. Consider replacing

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  • Day of Reckoning

    The human body is remarkably resilient. Your body can withstand a great deal of abuse. It bounces back to fight off many infections, repair strains and sprains, and heal broken bones. You may drive hundreds of miles in a day, fly across multiple time zones, and travel to other countries and other continents.

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  • A Walk in the Forest

    The world is changing. Global populations continue to migrate to urban areas. These ongoing relocations have a profound impact on deeply interconnected environmental systems and also lead to substantial distortions in human biosystems. In a word and to no one's surprise, living in big cities comes with

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  • Detecting Ovarian Cancer

    While women are learning more and more about cervical cancer and its prevention, another "silent killer" remains relatively mysterious among doctors and patients alike. Ovarian cancer is only the seventh most common cancer among women, but it causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive

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  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Repetitive Stress?

    You're getting ready to launch your new business. And, being a savvy entrepreneur, you've been spending a lot of time doing research on the Internet. Entering searches, following links, cutting-and-pasting, typing, mouse-clicking, dragging-and-dropping. By the time you're ready to "go live" you've begun

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  • Avoiding Painful Leg Cramps

    Your mind has finally stopped racing and you've just nodded off, only to be rudely awakened by a deep knot of sudden pain in your thigh, calf or in the arch of your foot. Athletes and high heel wearers alike are often awakened from sleep by the infamous nocturnal leg cramp or "charley horse." And though

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  • Tennis Elbow

    Tennis elbow often gets better on its own, but the majority of people who have persistent pain show improvement through non-surgical treatment. Tennis elbow is actually a misnomer in that it occurs in roughly only five percent of people who play tennis. Anatomically, the cause of tennis elbow is repetitive

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  • Bedwetting

    A number of clinical research studies demonstrate that chiropractic care can help with bedwetting by removing any irritation that may be affecting the nerves that control bladder function. Bedwetting is stressful for everyone involved. Lack of bladder control can cause embarrassment, shame, and interfere

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  • ADHD

    Although chiropractors don't directly treat ADHD, there are a number of things that your chiropractor can do to help eliminate things that stress a child's nervous system. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a relatively common condition that tends to emerge in children during their early

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Main Location


123 Website Drive,
San Diego, CA 92121



Office Hours


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm



